Thursday, January 31, 2008

Quiditch this and that...

Wow I have been so busy with my studies the past week. So much has happened around here. The Ravenclaws got into trouble and have to clean out bed pans by hand, even! EEEyuck.... I couldn't imagine doing that. Like I have always said, I would never make a good nurse.

Oh and no getting sick or you will be sent off to the hospital! Poor Madame Pompfrey is ill. How did this happen? I never knew she could get sick. She heals so well and has so many potions wonder what laid her up? I wonder if it is catchy? I mean I was there last week with my cold could I catch it!!!

I have been working on the bag for my swap partner. I hope it goes well. I am trying something new it's called felting. I have never tried doing this before. I mean knitting something big then shrinking it on purpose? What a brillant idea. A lot of the girls around Hogwarts say they have tried it and it worked out really nicely for them and produced a neat little item. So, I am trying this "felting" stuff out, of course having after reading all about it and doing tons of research on it. One can't be too prepared, can one? I really like my swap partner, Cassandra. She is a dear. We have been getting to know each other and she is a very sweet person. I am enjoying knitting for her and picking out the other things for her bag.

Oh and the most exciting news of all is the Quiditch match is starting Sat!!!! I hope I find the snitch. I soooo want to. Hufflepuff is still in the lead with the house points and I want us to remain in the lead.

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