Saturday, May 10, 2008

Back at Hogwarts....

Well I am officially a 2nd year at Hogwarts now. I got all packed (everything off my long list of things to take checked off)... glad Mum told me to take the magic bottomless carpet bag because it seems this year I have more "stuff" to take. All the school supplies alone took up half of my room, so many liquids in little tiny bottles. I am really getting into the potions book. Yes, I have already started reading it. I know we aren't suppose to or try out the lessons if we aren't in class but it couldn't be helped. I am really fascinated with how you put a little of this and a little of that and POOF you have a bit of chocolate. Granted, the first few times the chocolate tasted like something scrapped off a shoe, but hey I am just learning after all.

The train ride was uneventful.... ok, as uneventful as a train to Hogwarts can be... there was only a few 1st years turned into frogs. I got to help turn them back this year since I did so well last year in my wand classes. One little boy, though, has to go to the infirmary as soon as we get to school because his head would not unfrog. It actually was quite a funny sight to see a little boy walking around with a frog head. Although him trying to catch flies with his tongue was a bit annoying after a while... it still found it humorous.

Well I am all unpacked and ready for classes next week. I had to help a few 1st years navigate the moving stairs. They can be tricky until you get used to them. A few forgot the password too into the main hall and were stuck outside trying as they might to remember. I let them all in because I never forget anything and also gave them tips on how to remember. I just love Hogwarts.... Ok now back to my knitting.... going to meet up with some old friends in the commons and discuss classes and knit.... I am so glad to be back!

--- Henrietta


Anonymous said...

HI henrietta - im just popping by the hufflepuff dorms & thought id say Hi :)

onescrappychick said...

Nice to meet you!!! Looking forward to some late night knitting in the common room.
